ASARECA DKAN is an open-source data management platform for agricultural data. It treats data as content so that you can easily publish, manage, and maintain your open data no matter the size of your team or the level of technical expertise.

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Rice production involves various steps including; seedling production, sowing, seedbed preparation, main land preparation, transplanting, main field water management, weeding, pest and disease control, husbandly and harvesting ,threshing, winnowing, drying, storage. About 95% rice production in Kenya is grown under irrigation in paddy schemes managed by theNational Irrigation Board (NIB).

Ethiopia Agriculture Country Indicator
Kenya FAO STAT -Water resources & Agriculture production and trade · Kenya FAO STAT - Economic Indicators · Kenya FAO STAT-Food,Nutrition and Food Security · Kenya FAO STAT Forest Production and trade. More topics. Agriculture Demographics Economics Education Electricity Energy Food Security Health Industry ...

Key trends

During the years following the country’s 2003 peace agreement, donor funding flowed rapidly, prompting increased agricultural research spending. Growing violence and political corruption have caused many donors to suspend or cut aid since and are at the reason for the important year-to-year fluctuations in Burundi’s agricultural research expenditures in more recent years.

Agricultural productivity including livestock production is under threat in Africa because of continuing decline in soil quality. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 65 percent of arable land suffers from soil degradation due to erosion-induced losses of topsoil and soil nutrients. Restoring and rehabilitating the health of soil in Africa is a viable intervention towards promoting food security in the region.